Friday 14 June 2013

Ankle deep

I am teaching classes alone now. I use a lesson plan Rene gave me. It is really fun. I get less than eight hours of sleep. I am very energetic. I miss talking to native speakers. My Malagasy is improving slowly.
The visa application demands a certificate of residence and the certificate of residence demands a visa. I am staying in La Karthala guest house at the moment, but I may have to leave due to money issues. I like it here. The staff is very friendly. I have access to the Internet, a computer, and the kitchen. My clothes and my room are cleaned once a day. One problem is due to the luxury of this hotel. I am rarely in a situation where I need to communicate with someone who speaks only Malagasy because there are many rooms and many multilingual people here. 

Spoken English Course was not an authorized employer when I arrived. This authorization is required for issuance of a work visa to me. Renee said he is doing everything he can. He wants to open a school in Tulear. I don't want to be in the pollution of Tana for too long so this suit me. But something needs to change in the way we teach English in order for me to sign a contract, which is another condition of the visa. 

The school advertises that someone can learn to speak English like an American in two months. We do not currently issue Tesol certification. I think we should offer Tesol certification. Then we can justify offering courses beyond the two month course. A big problem with two months of lessons is that revenue depends on new students. If we offer certification, revenue will be divide between the fees of new and those of old students. That is the project of the Advanced class that I am teaching. Supplementing my service with American Tesol certification will attract the the thousands of students who have completed the two months course back to SEC.

My parents are sending me a new screen for my Nexus so that my tendonitis doesn't flare from flipping this hunk of circuitry every time I need to press a button on the opposite side of the screen. In the package will also be both a camera and an external hard drive. I let a cat get to my camera while it was perched precariously close to the edge of the table. I didn't bring my external hard drive because I wanted to be in the bush, where there are no devices that have power to use such a memory bank. Now I know how hard it is to get a visa for any purpose. I don't know how to get one for learning how to farm rice. So I will stay in the city to teach English, because it is enormously fun. I want a computer so I can watch movies and TV shows. To that end, I asked to get my external hard drive here so I don't have to buy another.

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