Tuesday 6 August 2013


Ya, that yellow thing in the middle is my room. The circular window on the right is for the classroom next door.

The kitchen is primitive, but cooking is still a blast.

The cats that live in Le Karthala Kitchen.

The kitchen is primitive. Having a whiteboard is great. 

The room is massive.

The pink paper is to mark a nail head that protrudes slightly.

On my way in between a cyber cafe, where I watched the first seven episodes of Naruto, and Le karthala to pick up the last of my affects and take tem to my new residence, a man walked in the opposite direction on the same side of the side. He wore a pale jacket. As he passed me, he began to shout, in English, "You are a devil!" He spat and pointed. I turned around and approached him, saying, "Why?" He backed away and yelled, "You have a devil. I am an angel of the true god, Jesus Christ." Some boys outside of the adventist church shook their heads as if to say, "Sorry, he is crazy."

Maybe he is. Anyway, last night I ate in the restaurant Chez Jo with Johnathan. We stayed for a while. He tod me about some escapades, recent and long ago. We talked about ombiasa. They are possessed people. He believes they are living devils. I asked him what he thinks about speaking in tongues. He told me that in the countryside, if someone spoke in English to him, he would believe in them. Apparently not only are the ombiasa psychic in that they know about your past, but they can strike you with lightening or make you forget loaning someone your fortune.

Zoely was in the same restaurant. She seemed timid in front of Johnathan, but I was glad they met. She cancelled our trip to the countryside to find some honey. So, maybe I can find some other gift to find for Arianne

The night of the fourth of August was my first in room nine at CNELA. Everything went alright. My shopping list is pretty long though: I need a lot of stuff for cooking.In the morning, Liziane took a look at the room and said she was going to call a plumber to fix the shower and an electrician to install WiFi.SO, I cooked pasta in my rom last night. I used an electric stove that I got for 25 bucks in themarket because I am afraid to tamper with the gas stove. This wasn't just pasta though, I used peanut butter and MSG, so it was heart stoppingly special.

I decided on the z77 D3H by Gigabyte. I found an authorized dealer who were out of stock. I waited three weeks for the shipment to come. Now that it is in, they want seventeen dollars more than a third party retailer, who will order it from France. I am still a bit lost as to what to do about a power supply.

Well, I had a really productive day: In the morning I made biscuits. I tried to make pancakes, but without butter, and used sweetened condensed milk, and having no syrup or honey, I added a lot of salt. The biscuits were delicious. Then, I made more biscuits, this time sweet. Before I finished eating, I started some math homework and I did some Tai Chi. But actually the latter was a bad idea because my shoes were very squeeky and when I looked outside my room, people were taking a placement test next door. Then, I finished the first homework assignment for an online teaching certification. I made copies of my passport, updated the government about my new residence, and got a lot of documents legalised for the long term visa application.

Now the day wasn't all good. First off, a mo-ped driver hit my right arm as I cross between two busses. He was passing the buses. I don't think he was at fault, since if he moved over anymore, he would have been in danger of a head on collision with oncoming traffic. I will be more careful to realy peek around standstill traffic before putting myself in harms way. It didn't hurt but I probably muttered wtf.

The second part of the day that suxored was that I paid 17usd for my residence certification in Faravohitra, 15usd to remove that certificate, and another 20usd to get a new residence certificate for Antahabe. Now, I get inscription fees, but why have a retraction fee? It got really shady when a man asked me whether I want a visa.

So I went to the electronics Mecca in Madagascar: Supreme Centre. Most of the PSU's I found were fake. The majority of what was left were way to powerful and way too expensive for me, since I am not going to use a graphics card. I found a bunch of ten year old Antec products (Channel Well), some ASUS PSU's that I cannot find on the internet, a random HP PSU, and a 475W Cooler Master for 75usd, which is on Newegg for 50usd. I don't really know what to do. The lowest of the high end? The OCZ 600 MXSP seems like a good product, but at 175usd, it is steep.

Ok, after fiddlying around in the stores trying to get the products I want, I am starting to think that there is reason to buy cheap components to figure out just what the hell I am doing. Buying a computer was a fun activity, but now it is too stressful. So, I am going to take 200 usd to Supreme center and leave with whatever computer I can get. Once I have some know how, I can decide about whether to invest more into a machine.

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