Wednesday 31 July 2013


When you read this, mine will be a life of nearly 25 years. I have gone through both easy and hard periods, and the way I judge whether an event is easy or hard has changed. I have spent the last month trying to get a visa for Madagascar. I postponed many activities to accomplish this goal. I even compromised some of my principles to get the visa: when I left Phoenix, I wanted to live in a rural community in Madagascar to augment my knowledge of life with technology; now, I am without a visa in a polluted capital city.

I know that it is important to balance the principle that when tasks offer a lot of resistence, take another route with the principle that without pain, there is no gain. Another duo is that while it is important to avoid pain, one must stick to one's principles. Trying to get into the countryside has caused me some pain: I even felt more like going to China more than staying here. The reason I stayed is not to get to the countryside, though I did get a contract with an English school that will allow me to do so. The reason for me to stay is that I am not man enough for China.

I have never really been fully immersed in another culture, and maybe I never will. But I believe immersion in an unfamiliar culture is maturing. I don't feel ready to deal with the perspective on home that I expect from living in China. I get rattled when get stick out there hands, "Monsieur, donne argent". Here, American music an fashion are popular. Also, fake products are very prevelant and they are associated with China. Viewing this dynamic without understanding it is a dangerous piece of knowledge.

I could not keep good records of my attempt to get the visa. I am looking forward to the future, but I spend so much time doing that!

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